ICT as Political Action

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Appendix A

I had a clear intention to research my situation hoping to improve the situation, to enhance my own professional development (Lomax 1996: 7) and to contribute to the enhancement of that of my colleagues, and to ensure that information and communications technology provided a better and more humane service to those who availed of it. To this end, it seemed to me that the advantages of insider research far outweigh its disadvantages for my work. However, Robson’s warnings are not to be taken lightly and suggest that aspects of the research project would have to be treated sensitively, and ethical issues would be of great importance.  I have addressed these issues by securing the permission of participants to carry out the research.  As this is a collaborative work and the organisations that I work in are clearly identifiable, even if anonymitised,  I secured permission of participants to acknowledge their participation.   I reassured my participants that they could withdraw at any stage from the research.  I co-signed an ethics statement that gave these assurances with participants (Appendix A).

Below is the text of the ethics statement and agreement that I have made with research participants.  As this research has been carried out over a long period of time there have been minor adjustments to this statement.



Appendix A
Ethics Statement
Research into My Practice as a Teacher of ICT and ICT Consultant

I am conducting a research project into aspects of my work as a teacher and information technology consultant.
This project will be carried out in a completely open way; there will be no attempt to collect data without the participant’s knowledge or to mislead the participants in any way.

Participants have the right to withdraw at any time.

If participants withdraw they may do so retrospectively and their own data will be destroyed.

Subject to the Data Protection Act, information obtained about a participant is confidential and if published will not be identifiable as theirs without their consent.

Where participants are interviewed or answer questionnaires they have the right to read a transcript, and may withdraw or change any part of their contribution that they wish.

Participants work will only become part of the multimedia version of this thesis with their consent.

I believe the organisations where my research takes place may be identifiable. Because of this I am requesting the permission of the relevant authorities to give their consent to the use of the name of the organisation.

I retain the right to report my work provided those involved were satisfied with the fairness and accuracy of it and it and it is within the law.


I consent to the use of my multimedia materials in the written and online thesis.  I understand that I will retain my copyright in any such materials.



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